My bathroom is also long and narrow. This picture is looking to the left as you go in the door.

The desk is on this side. In the far left, you can just see the stairs going up to the 'loft'. I have two chairs, as my room is supposed to be for 2 people. This is great as Joann can come and visit and have a place to sit. I am on the 7th floor and she is on the 5th floor.

I am also lucky with storage as there are shelves above the desk and beside the closet.

This is the sleeping loft. As I mentioned, I can't stand up in it but I can kneel. There is also a sky light up there. It is to the right of this photo.

As I think I mentioned earlier, I scored a nice room. When you look at it though, you must realize that usually there are two students living in it!
My room is long and narrow. When you come in the door, the desk and shelves are to the left. On the right is a closet and the bathroom is behind the closet. At the back of the room, behind the desk, there is a narrow set of stairs leading up to the 'sleeping loft' (as I call it). I can kneel in the room but I can't stand up. This does give me more space.
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